
2022-03-26 英语作文



  Dude's "the last lesson" has always deeply shocked my heart. If you can't speak your native language, what kind of pain it will be!


  To this day, in the "English" world of "colonization", France still "defends" the dignity of French language with the strength of the whole country. The French Language Institute is specially responsible for supervising the French irregularities in French literature newspapers and magazines. French diplomats are required to speak in French in any formal public occasions


  Is it time for our long-standing Chinese culture to be defended?


  Chinese has been circulating for thousands of years with its endless vitality, which has long been admired by the world. As one of the four ancient civilizations, Egyptian culture has lost its color in the flood of Nile water and British colonization; the splendid Babylonian culture has become a ruin in the wind and sand; and the powerful Maya culture, now people only want to look like its glory in the ruins of the primitive jungle in Abason. Only Chinese, which has been popular for five thousand years, stands erect and is respected by the world.


  But now, Chinese seems to be abandoned in the forgotten corner. When KFC, McDonald's and other foreign fast food cultures are rampant in China, foreign languages also greatly impact the status of Chinese.


  Chinese, our mother tongue, can't help us now, waiting for our defense. According to the survey of the Chinese language society, 50% of today's thousands of registered trademarks are "foreign" trademarks. The use of foreign names is admittedly right. What's terrible is the mentality of worshiping foreign countries and fawning on foreign countries. It doesn't matter if they fail in College Chinese, but if they fail in CET-4, they won't get their graduation certificate. The deformity of the system makes many students write articles after graduation.


  I admire Mr. Yang Zhenning, the Nobel Prize winner. At the award ceremony, Mr. Yang insisted on speaking in Chinese and defended his due position as a native language of Chinese people, even though Mr. Yang's Chinese is not very standard, even though he is only an American Chinese. But with such a pure heart for Chinese boxing, we have no reason not to admire Mr. Yang Zhenning, who is not only an academic giant, but also a master of personality.


  Some people liken the Chinese language today to a popular pair of jeans. Although it's new, it's patched with patches. Kitsch, low-level, rough language is these "patches". I really don't want the Chinese language that has been circulating for thousands of years to be pushed to another peak by Sima Qian, Lu Xun, etc., which shows signs of decline.


  Defend Chinese and our mother tongue!












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