
2021-08-06 Ê¥µ®½Ú×£¸£Óï



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¡¡¡¡here are special greetings and the best of wishes£¬too¡ªmay christmas happiness to you£¡










¡¡¡¡Ê¥µ®È¤Î¶Ð¡Ð¦»° 2

¡¡¡¡1 Into the Church


¡¡¡¡Three buildings in town were overrun by squirrels¡ªthe town hall£¬ the hardware store£¬ and the churchThe town hall brought in some catsBut after they tore up all the files£¬ the mayor got rid of the predators£¬ and soon the squirrels were backThe hardware store humanely trapped the squirrels and set them free outside townBut three days later£¬ the squirrels climbed back inOnly the church came up with an effective solutionTheybaptizedthe squirrels and made them membersNow they see them only on Christmas and Easter¡£


¡¡¡¡2 Denomination


¡¡¡¡A woman goes to the post office and asks for 50Hanukkahstamps"What denomination£¿" asks the clerkThe woman says£¬ "Six Orthodox£¬ 12 Conservative£¬ and 32 Reform¡£"


¡¡¡¡3Good Lights


¡¡¡¡A customer walked into our store looking for Christmas lightsI showed her our top brand£¬ but¡ªwanting to make sure each bulb worked¡ªshe asked me to take them out of the box and plug them inI did£¬ and each one lit up"Great£¬" she saidI carefully placed the string of lights back in the boxBut as I handed them to her£¬ she looked alarmed"I don¡¯t want this box£¬" she saidabruptly"It¡¯s been opened¡£"


¡¡¡¡4Stop the Presses


¡¡¡¡These holiday ¡°headlines¡± ¡ª concocted by the satirists at the Onion ¡ª are completelyfabricatedAnd yet they have the ring of truthCoal Now Too Expensive to Put in Christmas Stockings£¬ Study Finds Link Between Red Wine£¬ Letting Mother Know What You Really Think£¬ Accountants Pack Times Square for Fiscal New Year£¬ Book Given as Gift Actually Read

¡¡¡¡ÕâЩ½ÚÈÕÍ·Ìõ¡ª¡ªÓÉÈ«ÃÀ×îÓÅÖÊÐÂÎÅýÌåThe OnionµÄ·í´Ì×÷¼Ò¶Å׫¡ª¡ªÍêÈ«ÊǺú±àÂÒÔ죬²»¹ýÌýÆðÀ´»¹ÕæÏñÊÇÊÂʵ¡£ÖîÈ硶·Å½øÊ¥µ®ÍàµÄú̫¹óÁËÂò²»Æð¡·£¬¡¶Ñо¿·¢ÏÖÁ˺ì¾Æ¼äµÄÁªÏµ¡·£¬¡¶ÈÃÂèÂèÖªµÀÄãÕæÕýÔÚÏëʲô¡·£¬¡¶»á¼ÆÈËÔ±·äӵʱ´ú¹ã³¡ÇìףвÆÄê¡·£¬¡¶Ê鵱ʥµ®ÀñÎïÕæÓÐÈ˶Á¡·¡£

¡¡¡¡5Hiding the Presents


¡¡¡¡I had finished my Christmas shopping early and had wrapped all the presentsHaving twocuriouschildren£¬ I had to find a suitable hiding placeI chose an ideal spot¡ªthefurnaceroomI stacked the presents and covered them with a blanket£¬ positive they¡¯d remain undiscoveredWhen I went to get the gifts to put them under the tree£¬ I lifted the blanket and there£¬ stacked neatly on top of my gifts£¬ were presents addressed to "Mom and Dad£¬ From the Kids¡£"


¡¡¡¡6Gift Exchange


¡¡¡¡My friend reviewed her young son¡¯s fill¡ªin¡ªthe¡ªblank homeworkOne line£º ¡°At Christmas£¬ we exchange gifts with ____¡£¡± His response£º ¡°Receipts¡£¡±


¡¡¡¡7Limited Knowledge


¡¡¡¡As we were putting out cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve£¬ I accidentally dropped one"No problem£¬" I said£¬ picking it up and dusting it off before placing it back on the plate"You can¡¯t do that£¬" argued my four¡ªyear¡ªold"Don¡¯t worrySanta will never know¡£" He shot me a look"So he knows if I¡¯ve been bad or good£¬ but he doesn¡¯t know the cookie fell on the floor£¿"


¡¡¡¡8Odd Christmas Visit


¡¡¡¡From an article on the Woolacombe Bay Hotel in Devon£¬ England£º "Their three¡ªnight Christmas break includes a packed program of family entertainment£¬ acr¨¨che£¬ excellent cuisine£¬ and a visit from Satan¡£"


¡¡¡¡9Quick Cleanup


¡¡¡¡Unexpected guests were on the way£¬ and my mother£¬ animpeccablehousekeeper£¬ rushed around straightening upShe put my father and brother to work cleaning the guest bathroomLater£¬ when she went to inspect it£¬ she was surprised that the once¡ªcluttered room had been tidied up so quicklyThen she saw the note on the closed shower curtainsIt read "Thank you for not looking in the bathtub¡£"


¡¡¡¡10Post Holiday Blues


¡¡¡¡A waitress at our restaurant had a change of clothes stolen from the break roomMaking matters worse£¬ she¡¯d planned on wearing them to the Christmas partyAs a brand¡ªnew employee£¬ I didn¡¯t know any of this backstory£¬ so I was a bit surprised to find thisindignantnote posted on the community board£º "It has been two weeks since the Christmas party£¬ and I still have not found my clothes¡£"


¡¡¡¡11Easy to Forgive


¡¡¡¡Late for a seminar and unable to find parking£¬ I pulled into a spot behind a churchIt was only after I¡¯d gotten out of the car that I spotted this sign£º "No parkingForgiveness is our business£¬ but don¡¯t make it harder than it already is¡£"


¡¡¡¡12Waiting for Christmas


¡¡¡¡My wife took our three¡ªyear¡ªold to church for the first timeGetting impatient while waiting for the Mass to start£¬ he turned to her and asked£¬ "What time does Jesus get here£¿"


¡¡¡¡13Christmas Eve Service


¡¡¡¡Just as I began my Christmas Eve service£¬ the electricity in the church failedThe ushers and I found some candles and placed them around the sanctuaryThen I reentered thepulpit£¬shuffledmy notes£¬ and muttered£¬ "Now£¬ where was I£¿" A tired voice called out£¬ "Right near the end£¡"











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