
2021-05-26 英语作文


过年英语作文 篇1

  It is thirty years a year, after dinner, my mother and I are going to go to the supermarket to buy some snacks to go home to see the spring festival gala, a walk downstairs, quiet village suddenly broke out a ringing artillery, and then a look, a lot of the door hung up the red lanterns, put on the festive spring festival couplets. Some balcony lights up beautiful color.

  To the people 's square, but also lively, happy people dance with beautiful music, " snapped" firecrackers sound, sparks are colorful, some straight into the sky, some happy rolling on the ground. The branches around the square were full of colorful lights, dazzling people. A lamp of vows flew into the sky, like a shining star.

  Wish the lights gradually disappeared, firecrackers also subsided, the crowd dispersed slowly, my mother and I should go home to see the spring festival gala.

过年英语作文 篇2

  What is it doing? The original home of the Spring Festival is coming, every household paste red couplets on the Spring Festival, hang red lanterns, something woke up the sleeping dragon, bang up the festive drum, jump up a lively yangko... A New Year has come!

  "New Year! Eat dumplings, the streets decorated, beaming, adult children wear festive costumes, people outside the home, feel the holiday atmosphere, everyone with a smile on his face, his mouth said auspicious words, feet trample the firecrackers set off after the red petals, thick, soft, from a distance, like a red river, fantastic! The air was filled with the smell of happiness and happiness, a scene of joy and peace.

  On the evening of the first seven days of the first month, there is a new fireworks party in my hometown. After dinner, people have come to light place, here have been packed, seven point three, fireworks open on time, listen to "bang" a loud noise, a salute Taking off, the instant blossom in the air, as if a beautiful lotus open in the bright sky, and then each chaotic sky of fireworks, sometimes like a silvery waterfall, some like chrysanthemum in full bloom, some like the peacock... Colorful, very beautiful flowers, one of my favorite fireworks like a machine gun, "dadada" a shot to the sky, and flames, deafening, dazzling, dizzying. In the crowd, cameras and mobile phones flicker, trying to capture the moment. The cheers, the exclamations are not in the ears, we jump, jump, lively!

  The old and the new. The New Year is coming, I am a year old again, in the New Year, wish good luck to accompany me, I will also work harder, achieve excellent results!

过年英语作文 篇3

  I waited for the New Year. It was my favorite day.

  At six o 'clock in the afternoon of the New Year, the uncle said, "let's go to the annual gun." Then the cousin was eager to show off his rare "black whirlwind". My cousin gave me a box. My uncle took out the two meter long firecracker and everything was ready. "let'sgo!" At the command of my uncle, we headed for the vacant lot downstairs. Find a flat ground, the brother-in-law first to smooth the long gun, find the ignition of the small uncle and ordered "all of you, evacuate." He lit the primers quickly ran to the side, I and my cousin is covering her ears, stare big eyes looked at before the burning flame, probably less than a few seconds, will see fireworks as the crack sound four splash, look at the colorful fireworks, we happen to coincide cheered.

  Below we should lead, cousin's ideas play a role, he to find an empty soft-drink cans, and I am wondering what on earth is he doing new things, but he lighted firecrackers into the bottle, I saw a stream of smoke was in the bottle, and then my cousin Pull me to run to the distance, with a shot, the bottle into a green, be gun blast out of two meters tall, cousin happy to jump up, call "american-financed", but for the first time I see such a shot, when we go to see the ground bottle, where I can see this appearance! It was just a piece of plastic, and I told my cousin it was dangerous, and he gave me a grimace, and I couldn't help it.

  "Dinner! "Cried grandma. "Good!" We said. As soon as I entered the room, I smelt a thick dumpling. Cousin ate really horrible, a dumpling just chewed no twice, the second dumplings is in his mouth and I got dumbfounded, cousin ah, you this that is to eat dumplings, this is clearly eat dumplings! Did you taste it? He couldn't help laughing when everyone saw what he was doing.

  After dinner, I stood on the windowsill and looked out at the colorful fireworks, thinking: the New Year is beginning.

过年英语作文 篇4

  Hope, hope, the New Year is finally here.

  Today is the age of 30, people all wash the door clean, affixed with the red color red couplet, hang red yan yan's lantern. My dad moved a ladder, and it was in the doorway. I handed the couplets down, tore the tape, and then I put the couplets on. Then we hung up our lanterns. Standing at the door, the red color is full of the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

  At seven o 'clock the meal was served, and there was an incident -- the electricity went off. To scratch my head "this big New Year's, stop what electricity!" I complained that my grandmother had brought two candles, or she could not eat the New Year's eve dinner. I took the bowl for everyone's food, and my mother said, "we had a 'candlelight dinner' today, and everyone laughed. "What a rich meal today! I said, "there are chickens, there are fish, there are four!" We drink, taste delicious, family reunion round, happy and happy over the year!

  After dinner, the family lit candles and sat in the room chatting. After a while, the electricity finally arrived, we quickly turn on the TV to watch the Spring Festival gala.

  It was nearly twelve o 'clock, and the impatient man had lit the firecracker, and the sound of firecrackers was popping up everywhere, and the sky was lit up.

  I picked up a large volume of firecrackers, which I had already prepared, and dragged my father out. We unpacked the package at the door.

  The New Year!










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