
2021-03-25 英语作文


初二英语作文300字 篇1

  We may obtain knowledge by reading. The more books we read, the more we accumulate the knowledge. Is it right? I don’t think so. It’s not wide reading but useful reading that leads to excellence. And only good books can benifit us.

  So choosing books is very important for reading. Many students spend a lot of time reading legends and swordsman novels.It’s a waste of time. Some students even read some bad books and it is harmful for them. So be as careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep, for our habit and character will be as much influened by the former as by the latter.

初二英语作文300字 篇2

  Do you habe some problems in your study?If you do,I will give you some advice

  First,you should read more books.It will improve your read ability.It help you increase your knowledge.

  Second,you should listen to teachers carefully in your class.It is very important .It's up to you are good student or not.

  Third,you should review your classes when you at home.and so on...

  I think these advice is enough to be a good learner.

初二英语作文300字 篇3

  Last week, we went to see a robot show with my good friends.We saw many robots in the show. The show was so wonderful that many people came to see it. Some robots looked like humans. They could help with the housework, such as sweeping the floor and doing the dishes. They were very helpful. Some of them could dance and play sports. They were very nice.some others looked like snakes. They could help look for people under buildings after an earthquake.

  I had a good time enjoying the show. And I think there will be more robots and robots can help us a lot in the future.

初二英语作文300字 篇4

  Mom always keeps a strict hand over me. But I think sometimes she is too strict. Take my studying English as an example. She always regards me as a lazy boy in it. And she wants instant effects. But don’t you know that learning a foreign language takes a long time, mom? Every time she pushed me too hard, I thought to myself that she must regret treating me like that. As time goes by, I began to understand her doing gradually. I know she loves me and wants me to be the best. And I do want to myself. So mom,don’t always force me too hard. It is not helpful. Just give me more time and I won’t let you down.

初二英语作文300字 篇5

  Being a monitor is my dream, because I think it is so cool and I will have the power. So when I go into the middle school, I make my effort to be a monitor, luckily, all of my classmates trust me and elect me as their monitor. I am so happy, my little dream has come true, but I never expect that the monitor’s duty is so heavy. I can’t do what I want, every decision I make needs to consider so many things, if I go the wrong way, my classmates will have loss. As the saying that the more power, the more responsibility, I have pressure, but I learn many things, I become mature and can deal things well.

初二英语作文300字 篇6

  Dear Mary,

  Thank you very much for inviting me to your party. But I am very sorry I can't come.My mother is ill. The doctor asks her to stay in bed for several days. I have to take care of my mother.Thank you very much for sending me such a beautiful postcard. I like it very much. I am going to put it on my desk.Could I hear from you soon﹖ Give my best wishes to your family.


  Han Meimei

初二英语作文300字 篇7

  My new years resolution is very very brife.only three piece of advice .one ; get good grade ,at next. now,hard study ..as for good study,day day up ,,my math isnot good,so i can practise everyday ,

  Then i am eating more vegetables and going to exercise more to keep fit next , i am going to take guitar lessons .because i really love music .so guitar .i love too ,,these are my new years resolution s i hope itis,, reality ,but,,realityneed my hard ,i think i can successful.










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