
2021-03-15 英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  Traffic problems have become one of the major problems in cities. Streets are always crowed with vehicles and pedestrains, especially in rush hours. What is more, traffic accidents have made streets become one of the most dangerous places. But why is this problem becoming more and more serious in spite of the continuous improvement of traffic facilities?

  The rapid increasing population is a goot explanation of the answer. More people means heavier traffic. Moreover, because more space has to be used to meet the needs of the housing problem, it is almost impossible to widen the streets, which makes the situ ation even worse. Then, how can we solve this problem?

  More measures should be taken to deal with this problem. For example, rigid rules and regulations of rewards and penalties should be established to make people more careful on the streets, in addition, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice.

英语作文 篇2

  if i were a boy again, i would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. if we want light, we must conquer darkness. perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “there are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.”

  if i were a boy again, i would school myself into a habit of attention; i would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. i would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.the habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. i often hear grown up people say “ i could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although i wished to do so” , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. if i were to live my life over again, i would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. i would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. it only needs early cultivation to become a power.

英语作文 篇3

  most of us have had an experience which reminds us the world is getting smaller. perhaps when you went to some place far away from the city you live in and thought you knew nobody there, you were surprised to find that you ran into one of your old classmates on the street! then both of you cried out, “what a small world!”

  why is the world getting smaller and smaller? for one thing, modern technology has created various means of transportation. and they are more and more available. buses, trains, planes and taxis are found in most cities of the world. they carry goods and passengers to and from every corner of the world. for another thing, with the development of modern society, people are in contact with one another more frequently.

  everyday we must deal with a lot of people unknown to us before. the more advanced a society, the more contacts we make with others.so we can draw the conclusion that as long as technology makes progress, the world will grow smaller and smaller.

英语作文 篇4

  Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus. It is about thirty miles from the city. We planned to put up in a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.

  As soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. How great the sight is! We felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. There are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magnificent cliffs, one above another. We climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. As the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.

  Before daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. Unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. Suddenly thin ravs of red hue spread across the sky. As the redness deepened, some mysterious clouds moved across thc sky, dividing heaven from the earth. Just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. Up, up it rose, adding to itself strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.

  We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. We jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays of the sun with the peak till it was time for our return.





英语作文 篇5

  A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school. He began his lesson by holding up a 100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “Who would like this 100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands at once.

  Then he said, “I am going to give this 100 to one of you, but first, let me do this.” He then made the bill into a ball. Then he said, “Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air.

  “Well,” he said, “What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. He picked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Hands went back into the air.

  “My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valuable lesson today. No matter (无论) what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value (价值). It was still worth l00!”

  Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value: you are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesn’t come from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE.

  You are special and valuable. Don’t ever forget it!

英语作文 篇6

  everyone in our life should face something we hate,or some one we never want to face.so,how can we face the difficulties.

  difficulties happen all the time,but do not be afraid of difficultys.just go ahead withe what we are doing with a smile.do cry and have a smile ,which is the best way we can use to beat difficulties.never give up and do your best for tomorrow's sunthine.trust yourself ,believe in that tomorrow will be better.

  you see,no matter what difficulties we face,we always smile,don't we?so,earthquake we are not afraid because of our smile, we are not afraid because of our smile....

  together forever no matter what happens,and, with a smile,trust that everything can be soved!

英语作文 篇7

  because of a lack of mutual trust. If you have prejudice (偏见) against someone, whatever he says may sound iii intentioned to you.

  Having gone so far in the exploration of the causes of misunderstanding, we can easily arrive at the ways to avoid them. Firstly, we should be broad minded and be tolerant of the differences among people. Secondly, we should be accurate and appropriate in our handle of language, avoiding misleading words. Thirdly, we should be constructive and patient in dealing with people. If we try hard enough, there will be more understanding and less misunderstanding in this world.

英语作文 篇8

  When I was alittle child, I had many dreams. I wanted to be rich, so that I can live in abig and beautiful house. I can go everywhere by car. But now, my dream seems tobe better and more realistic. I hope I can have a good job. It will not takemuch of my time, although I can’t earn much. Every year, I have holidays totravel. Traveling is my favorite and it can reduce my pressure. It’s good formy life. Therefore, I hope traveling can be a part of my future life.











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