
2021-03-04 英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  night has fallen over the country. through the trees rises the red moon, and the stars are scarcely seen. in the vast shadow of night the coolness and the dews descend. i sit at the open window to enjoy them; and hear only the voice of the summer wind. like black hulks, the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the billowy sea of grass. i cannot see the red and blue flowers, but i know that they are there. far away in the meadow gleams the silver charles. the tramp of horses' hoofs sounds from the wooden bridge. then all is still save the continuous wind of the summer night. sometimes i know not if it be the wind or the sound of the neighboring sea. the village clock strikes; and i feel that i am not alone.

  how different it is in the city! it is late, and the crowd is gone. you step out upon the balcony, and lie in the very bosom of the cool, dewy night as if you folded her garments about you. beneath lies the public walk with trees, like a fathomless, black away with some beloved spirit plunges, and floats are still burning up and down the long street. people go by with grotesque shadows, foreshortened, and now lengtheningawayintothedarknessandvanishing,whileannowew one springs up behind the walker, and seems to pass him revolving like the sail of a windmill. the iron gates of the part shut with a jangling clang. there are footsteps and loud voices; ——a tumult; ——a drunken brawl; ——an alarm of fire; ——then silence again. and now at length the city is asleep, and we can see the night. the belated moon looks over the roofs, and finds no one to welcome her. the moonlight is broken. it lies here and there in the squares, and the opening of the streets - angular like blocks of white marble.

英语作文 篇2

  ①As is vividly revealed in the picture, ______(描述图片内容). The picture reminds us of an old Chinese saying— ______(进一步说明图片表明的含义).

  ②Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning conveyed in the picture is ______(揭示图片的深刻含义). First, ______(分析第一条含义).More often______(进一步阐述隐含的深刻含义). Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in


  ③In a word,_______(总结全文,提出建议). Only in this way can we _______(强调主题).

英语作文 篇3

  1. 主动句变被动句


  Eg1: It is said that …据说/相传

  Eg2:I suggest that … It is suggested that …

  Eg3:Effective measures should be taken before things get worse.表建议

  Eg4: your prompt attention to my enquiry would be highly appreciated. 表感激

  Eg5:Students should study hard.

  Students are expected / well-advised to study hard.

  2. 简单句变从句


  A. 主语从句:

  Eg1:What worries many parents is that Internet or computer games may impact kids’ study.

  Eg2:It is said that an emperor of ancient China discovered Tea 5,000 years ago. (it为形式主语;that从句为真正主语)


  Eg1:Many Americans live on credit, and their quality of life is measured by how much they can borrow, not by how much they can earn.

  Eg2: I am convinced that it is of great necessity for youngsters to study hard.

  Eg3:明智的人不为别人的想法所影响。The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.

  C. 表语从句:

  Eg1:That is why China is called the “Kingdom of Bicycles”.

  Eg3:In team games, practice is what improves our sense of cooperation.

  D. 同位语从句

  Eg1:(Martin Luther King) I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." (该句中a dream = that 从句,)

  Eg2:Others hold the different idea that online shopping brings us some problems.

  E. 含同位语句式

  A.人 身份

  Eg. I am convinced that …

  As a college student, I am convinced that …

  I, as a college student, am convinced that …

  B. 物 性质

  Eg. A strong will brings us power …

  As a vital quality, a strong will brings us power…

  A strong will, as a vital quality, brings us power…


  Eg1:As I see, the causes of this phenomenon are diverse.

  The causes of this phenomenon, as I see, are diverse.

  Eg2:All of a sudden, the silence of the lake was broken by a scream.

  The silence of the lake, all of a sudden, was broken by a scream.

  Eg3:Even so, others hold a different view.

  Others, even so, hold a different view.

  Eg4:Like anything else, automobiles have more than one side. (汽车跟很多其他事物一样,具有两面性)

  Automobiles, like anything else, have more than one side.

  F. 定语从句:


  2)在中心名词后加入定从,关系词who, whose, whom, where, which, when

  Eg1:Taobao is a particularly popular website. ? Taobao is a particularly popular website, where/in which customers can purchase various goods.

  Eg2:I will advice my foreign friend to visit Great Wall, where he or she can acquire knowledge of Chinese history.?

  3. it 句式

  A. 形式主语 it is +被动/形容词/名词+that从句/to do …

  Eg1:It is suggested/ well-advised / supposed / proposed that sb. should (not) do …

  Eg2:It is essential / necessary / advisable / convenient/ difficult/ hard/ comfortable for sb. (not) to do

  Eg3:It is essential / necessary that sb. should (not) do …

  Eg4:It is useless/useful doing sth.

  B. 形式宾语

  Eg1:An increasing number of students find it difficult to spell common words correctly.

  Eg2:An increasing number of parents find it hard to have opportunities to chat with kids, who spend too much time on computers.

  Eg3:A host of youngsters find it rather boring and hard to understand literature.

  4. 强调句

  A. 强调谓语:

  Eg1:I love you. /I do love you. / I did love you.

  Eg2:Cell phone/ Internet/ computer brings us convenience.

  Cell phone/ Internet/ computer does bring us convenience.

  B. 强调句式:It is/was +被强调成分+that/who+句子其他成分。


  a. 先写出正确的简单句、并列句或复合句,明确单句的各个成分。

  b. 在被强调成分(除谓语和补语外)两边添加it is/was 和that/who, 其他成分不变,必要时调整顺序。

  【强调句式特征】去掉it is/was…that/who结构,整个句子无冗余或成分残缺。

  Eg1:My mother always encourages me not to lose heart when I have difficulties in study.

  It is my mother who/that always encourages me not to lose heart when I have difficulties in study.

  It is when I have difficulties in study that my mother always encourages me not to lose heart.

  Eg2:Parents’ protection does not enable kids to build up adequate ability to face social competition.

  (强调句式否定形式)It is parents’ protection that does not enable kids to build up adequate ability to face social competition.

  Eg3:The Internet does not enable some youngsters to spend adequate time in chatting with others face to face.

  It is the Internet that does not enable some youngsters to spend adequate time in chatting with others face to face.

  5. 倒装

  A. 表否定的副词、短语或状语位于主语之前或句首,主句半倒装(一般疑问句语序);如never, seldom, hardly, scarcely, little, on no account, by mo means, in no case,

  Eg1:I will never agree. Never will I agree.

  B. Only +状语位于句首,主句半倒装。

  Eg1:When my beloved is beside myself, I can feel the true happiness.

  Only when my beloved is beside myself, can I feel the true happiness.

  Eg2:When his computer crashes, he will come down-stairs for something to eat.

  Only when his computer crashes, will he come down-stairs for something to eat.

  Eg3:By doing small things, teenagers can accumulate ability and experience for something big.

  Only doing small thing, can teenagers accumulate ability and experience for something big.


  Eg1:Although she is a girl, Zeng Yike is called Brother Zeng.

  Girl as she is, Zeng Yike is called Brother Zeng.

  Eg2:Though it is convenient, online shopping leads to some problems.

  Convenient as/though it is, online shopping leads to some problems.

  Eg3:Although it is simple, what the picture conveys is thought-provoking.

  Simple as it is, what the picture conveys is thought-provoking.


  Eg1:no ____ is / are more _____ than ________.

  In contemporary society, no means of communication is more popular and common than cell phones.

  Eg2:A strong will is very important.

  The importance of a strong will cannot be too emphasized.

  Eg3:Education helps people to acquire knowledge, skills and new visions.

  Without education, it is impossible for people to acquire knowledge, skills and new visions.

  7. Ving/ved 状语

  A. 两个动作同时发生且主语一致,将次要动作写成v-ing或v-ed形式做状语,即动作与逻辑主语之间为主动关系时写成v-ing形式、为被动关系是写成V-ed形式。

  Eg1:I climbed the stairs. I took a suitcase.

  I climbed the stairs, taking a suitcase.

  Climbing the stairs, I took a suitcase.

  Eg2:When they are compared with cars, bicycles are superior in several ways.

  Compared with cars, bicycles are superior in several ways.

  Bicycles, compared with cars, are superior in several ways.

  B.两个动作主语一致,但前后发生,则可将先发生的动作写成Having +ved形式。

  Eg1:He had lived in this city for years. He had no difficulty finding the way home.

  Having lived in this city for years, he had no difficulty finding the way home.

  8. 排比结构

  Eg1:Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. (Bacon)

  Eg2:We shall fight on the hills. We shall fight in the streets. We shall fight blood and sweet and tears. (Churchill)


  As a vital quality, confidence brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for life, and helps us to conquer difficulties.


英语作文 篇4

  内容上: 1991-1996 年的命题主要集中在人际关系,生活方式,娱乐,教育,健康等方面;1997-20xx年的命题主要关注社会热点,如:企业的虚假承诺,献爱心,子女教育,赡养老人,偶像崇拜,自信等。



  A. 信头


  B. 信内地址


  C. 称谓

  私人信件称呼较随便,常以名(first name)相称;正式信件必须以姓相称,如: Dear Prof. /Mr. /Miss /Mrs. 如果收信人是女性且不知道其婚否,则称Dear Ms. 称呼之后用逗号;不明确收信人性别时,用Dear Sir / Madam; 不明确收信人时,可用To whom it may concern; 称呼相同职业的收信人,可以用Dear colleague

  D. 正文


  E. 结束问候语

  第一个词的首字母大写,结尾加逗号。私人信件可用 Yours, Love. 正式信件可用 Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours truly, Truly yours, Yours respectfully, Respectfully yours

  F. 签名







  Dear Sir or madam,

  I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in___(信息来源) of ___(信息发布日期).

  Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a ___(职位名称).___(原因之一). On the other hand, ___(原因之二).

  I would be very grateful if you grant me a personal interview. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at___(电话号码).

  Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to meeting you.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming


  I have learned that you are hiring---

  I would like to apply for---

  I am interested in a ---position in your firm.

  I would appreciate an interview at your convenience.

  I am well qualified to--- for the following reasons.

  My interest and skill in ---contribute to my qualification for this job.

英语作文 篇5

  The wind has gently murmured through the shutters, or puffed with feathery softness against the windows, sighed like a gentle summer wind, lifting the leaves。 We sleep and eventually wake up on a winter morning。 The snow lies like cotton down upon the window sill。


  raise white arms to the sky on every side; landscape, as if nature had strewn her fresh designs over the fields at night as models for man’s art。


  Opening the gate,, and the jingling of the ice on the trees is sweet and liquid。 There is the least dampness in the atmosphere, all being dried or frozen, The wonderful purity of nature at this season is a most pleasing fact。


  It is invigorating to breathe the pure air。 Its sweetness and purity are visible to the eye, too, as through the leafless trees, for the winter。 We hope to borrow some pure and firm virtue。











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