
2021-02-16 英语作文


在除夕的英语作文 篇1

  On New Year's eve is how beautiful, how wonderful. This year is no exception, the streets are decorated, good is a scene of Chinese New Year. We have a supper very early, went to the street view at night.

  A: wow! So many people on the street! Is simply a sea of people, very lively! Come to the main street, I saw on both sides of the branches are full of colorful lights, colorful light makes my eyes a bright. The article also wrapped in coloured crystal, trunk like a beautiful little snake tree trunks. Just opened to see rich Ann department, the door is more radiant. Lantern hangs, double line shape in the middle is peppered with red lanterns, red light cage, the rich Ann department dressed up like a radiant bride.

  Looked into the street and rotary table's beautiful China! Wheel in the middle there is a very very big lanterns, footed is five or six meters. Foot seven, eight meters wide. A lantern in the middle is empty, there is a lamp, also have light outside. Now when the New Year's eve, all the lights are lit up. Emit bright light, like the day the earth with. Especially outside the road lights like Boston ivy leaves, YiShun down, spread so evenly, formed a huge light shoulder, batch of rotary in the center of the street. A myriad of small lanterns light shoulder hang outside. The hanging outside the ancient various TongQianEr. Around the rotary table is beautiful of more. On the left is one with yellow lights on into the pyramid, some red lanterns hung tower before. The right is to use all sorts of color of light and belt into the golden peacock. The dark, the lights flickering on the peacock feathers, like a big fan of colorful sprinkled gold on jitter, is really beautiful. Before and after the two sides are all with the character "xi" series of curves of drop curtain. Before the curtain hangs a long string of red lanterns, fell from the sky like a dragon, is very terrible.

  Standing at the end of the street, I look, everywhere are the lights, see everywhere is red lanterns, according to every corner of the streets are so bright, so very red. This is not straight indicates our lives more prosperous in the coming year?





在除夕的英语作文 篇2

  There are many festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival most.

  Not only because it’s the biggest festival in the year, but also because it’s a new beginning that brings hope to people and it’s time for family gathering. Before the festival, people come home no matter where they are. Usually, we have a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve.

  And then families sit together and share their lives or planes. Some will play games or hang out to have some fun. On the New Year’s Day, people get up early and say good words to anyone they meet. Children can get lucky money from relatives. In the following days, we will visit relative’s home and bring New Year’s wishes to them.

  In short, it’s a time for family gathering and all of us enjoy it.

在除夕的英语作文 篇3

  Today is new year's Eve. I'm very happy. I can have a lot of lucky money today. After breakfast, dad drives me to go home with my mother. There are lots of vehicles, streams, vehicles coming and going. But I am a little carsick, finally to grandma's house, but to the village, there are a lot of people and dad say hello, Dad could slow down, one can say hello, I do not know, to my grandmother's house, I saw grandpa and Grandma had a sumptuous meal set.

  Mom and dad gave them a toast, I am no exception, my grandmother gave me gift money. After dinner, we were in a hurry and went back. At night the three of us here and grandparents and uncle together for the holidays, with fireworks, we are one family with my grandparents and kowtow, gift money, uncle and mom and Dad, my grandmother also gave gift money. But Dad's gift money up, grandma said, dad is the largest of his children, but I am very angry, I turn to my parents and, I don't, I seemed to want a little bit more, then mom really gave me 1800, I jump, turn to uncle, uncle also give me a thick pile of surprisingly, everyone was shocked, I can't wait to open a new look, not only have money, there is a silver ingot. I am pleased to get up from the ground, to kiss uncle.

  Mother is a good photographer. She always takes these beautiful scenes in the new year. From the year I was born, mother always put it aside when she was free. I'm so happy!!!!

  Every year, the most important thing has come to an end, the following is the fireworks, our whole family together downstairs to see the fireworks, a riot of colours fireworks fly in the sky one after another, some like a parachute, some like some like a trapeze The heavenly maids scatter blossoms., … … we cheered jumping, indulge in happy holiday, happy with me around … …

在除夕的英语作文 篇4

  Darkness came slowly, the earth is a kind of harmonious atmosphere and enveloped. The dark sky, jump out of a few star, and blinked in the flash, greedily watching the people family reunion of the lively scene.

  Hey, what day is it today? It turns out that today is Chinese traditional festival - New Year's eve. Every family decorated, lamp for glory, streets, firecrackers sound.

  In the afternoon, my family came to grandma's to spend New Year's eve. How many sisters and brothers at night, we began to put firecrackers.

  "Beware!" Naughty brother, was the first to put a "stars." Golden sand injection, bead bloom in the air, then drag long, shining tail light. I set fire to a "transfer", it is like racing flower dish, from time to time to spark emission, then, to form the two set of the rings together, like the two sisters in the dance. My brother is more interesting, firecrackers, fireworks "combination". The sky, fireworks clusters, scrambling on the day. Some like a spray of molten steel splash, some moved, some is like a golden rain, some like honeysuckle were blossoming, some like red swallow of dance, and some like the peacock... Will beep on one side of the underground, more lively, and snapped, popping in the distance, a nearby PaPa, bursts of heaven bursts, kaka on the ground. Merged into a beautiful symphony of the lunar New Year.

  Into the room, the table already set up dinner, sweet and delicious chicken, duck, fish, everything. After satiated with food and wine, we get together, chat, watch TV, eat snacks, from all immersed in the joy of the New Year's day.

  Suddenly, grandpa children we asked: "do you want to listen to Chinese New Year when I was a kid?" "Yes, Sir," we replied with one voice. "When I was small I home is not rich, poor. 30 in the evening, eat no meat, Fried only some cake." "Grandpa, you can always watch TV?" Younger sister 1, everybody laugh. Grandpa smiled and said: "baby, where did you get the TV? Doesn't even have the radio! You see, you are to want what have what, eat the big fish big meat, drink cola drinks, still can watch TV. If it weren't for see, I dream of unexpected!" Grandpa paused, to longly say: "you have such a good condition, due to the party and the party's policy is good! I hope your New Year new atmosphere, don't live up to the expectations of the motherland."

  "When, when," the New Year's bell ringing, banging the firecrackers took the time to 20xx, the whole boiling up China!

  New Year's eve, like a cup of sweet wine, to irrigate our everyone's heart; New Year's eve, like a sweet candy, makes everyone laugh; New Year's eve, and as a inspiring music, let we learned a lot...









在除夕的英语作文 篇5

  This year's New Year's eve, in the uncle's new house. Have to say that this house is really nice. Exquisite furniture, fancy lantern, gently beautiful wallpaper... Let a person find everything new and fresh, full of praise. Began to eat dinner. At the dining table, delicacies, everything; In the living room, a toast to celebrate, laughter, happy... At this moment, when I recall grandfather told me:

  In the past, a dozen people crowded in the same eaves, room was damp and gloomy; Go out even five cents are reluctant to take the train; Family reunion dinner if there is a piece of fat can be happy... And now, each has two or three sets of house, bought a suite also cover mansions; Bought the car also want to in high-grade car; You allocate sought-after drink hot...

  Just thinking, the fireworks fireworks I woke with a start. See the good in the night sky is all have fireworks with brightness. Fireworks bloomed, the inconspicuous city into a "city that never sleeps". This is a symbol of the arrival of the New Year, is a symbol of the new scene of socialist economy.

  A New Year begins. We are cheering, wish happy New Year. Firecrackers in rang, open the fireworks. That the flowers of happiness in heaven, open on the floor, and also in people's minds open...





在除夕的英语作文 篇6

  This is a charming night. Looking up at the sky, the sky is like a calm sea. The deep blue sky is more serene. The bright moon is just adorned in the big sky, so big and bright. The afterglow of the moon is sprinkled, a silver white light, a mysterious veil on the earth.

  Suddenly, a voice broke the silence of the sky. Then, from the sky, there were countless colorful flowers. Beautiful and unspeakable, it was fireworks. Then, they kept on competing and opening up. I can not help but start reverie: fireworks lit themselves to bring infinite joy is light and vision, and it will face death, in light of its own it for a moment just want to use its short light into the hearts of people, just want to truly splendid one. What does life do?

  A noise and pulled me back, from a reverie at this time, the family began to set off firecrackers, sound than a sound, like a game, fireworks continue to bloom, firecrackers rang, all the sound mixed together into a melt, forming a soft and this symphony, as if to welcome the arrival of the new year, in the fire lit at night, I silently make a wish - to be a fireworks, I also want a truly brilliant sound of firecrackers drums and cymbals.

在除夕的英语作文 篇7

  Today is my favorite day - thirty, I want to make dumplings with the family, so happy!In the morning, I got up quickly, and dad together chopped meat, saw dad a kitchen knife in hand chop stuffing, that way, it's like the inside of the "journey to the west" "ox demon king", good terrorist!Chop up stuffing, our whole family began making dumplings, my task is to roll wrappers, dad to make dumplings.I saw dad package dumplings can not but laugh, because dad package dumplings as the stone of huangshan, really all forms.When mom came over and saw dad package dumplings also laughed, and let dad "laid off".See mother package dumplings, and dad "huangshan stone" compare the really big difference!"Ding dong" a sound, I rushed to open the door, is my grandma and grandpa, grandma at dad package dumplings, also could not help but laugh, said before a few years sketch of a classic lines: "how could also be married, why gap so big?"I also laughed, to grandma said: "grandma, you have a good sense of humor!"Grandma smiled said to me: the old ah, must be the same as the heart of children, to live more and more young!.This year's New Year's eve is really unforgettable!


在除夕的英语作文 篇8

  Today is New Year's Eve morning, firecrackers sounding snap snap away. As long as you take a look at the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a Red Sea. The family have their own homes going up in the beautiful, it seems like in the match. My family is no exception, sweeping, glass, cabinets, such as rubbing. Prepare the arrival of the New Year.

  Afternoon, we posted in accordance with the custom of the Chinese New Year couplets, father and a good paste, and then said to me: "I paste you posted, I looked at the high level you say 'rich', said that if the lower 'rising' good you ", I asked my father why? Dad said: "The plan is a lucky," "Oh, I understand," We posted on the Alliance are: evil Hongfu family happy is: wang gas people to come into everything.


  今天是除夕,上午,鞭炮声劈啪劈啪的响个不停。只要你向外面看一看,到处都是红红的鞭炮,汇成了一条红海。各家人都把自己家打扮的漂漂亮亮的,好像在比美似的。我家也不例外,扫地、擦玻璃、擦柜子等。准备新年的到来。 下午,我们就按过年的习俗贴春联,爸爸和好浆糊,然后对我说:“我贴你看着高低我贴高了你就说‘发财’,如果低了就说‘高升’好吗”,我问爸爸为什么呢?爸爸说:“就是图个吉祥”,“噢我懂了”我们贴的上联是:家有宏福千般喜,下联是:人来 旺气万事成。










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