
2021-02-07 英语作文


动物的英语作文300字 篇1

  I have a pet. It is a pigeon. It has got white and gray feathers, a red mouth and two small eyes. It’s cute.

  I found it near a park. Its leg was injured and couldn’t fly. I took it home and cured it. Every morning, I give it some water and small pieces of bread. It gets stronger and stronger.

  Now the pigeon has become my best friend. When I come home from school, it always flies to me and rests on my shoulders, it likes to talk to me. It makes my spare time colorful.

动物的.英语作文300字 篇2

  Nowadays, people like to keep pets to company them. These lovely pets are always treated well. They are one of the family members. But sometimes the owner don’t want to raise them anymore, the animals are abandoned. It is the owner’s duty to deal with the animals well. If they can’t take care this lovely animals they can give to someone else.


动物的英语作文300字 篇3

  My favorite animal is dog, my family has a puppy. His name is wangwang, he that is yellow, is really beautiful. He has a pair of bright eyes sparkly.

  His two big ears perked up really high like a bird's wing, but air. Sometimes also shake his tail to show your tongue with me, where I went with it, really like a small heels. I patted him on the head, it is licking my fingers, I feel itchy. Lovely!

  But he has time, low head, let me feel very strange, but I dou dou it his mood suddenly. This is my dog barked. It is very cute!

动物的英语作文300字 篇4

  It's Sunday today. Tom, Susan and Lucy are supposed to be going to zoo. Tom wants to watch monkey3 for he thinks they are clever. However Susan likes to see elphants because he considers that elphants are nice. Pandas are Lucy's faviourt animals. But what a regret that Jane couldn't go along with them because her mother stays out and sha has to take care of her little brother.

动物的英语作文300字 篇5

  Today I went to zoo with my mother.There are tigers,pandas,monkeys and so on.I like monkey very much.Because they can ride a bike and dance.

  They are so celver!The pandas are cute.They ate bambooes from persons in the trees,near the stones,and I also gave pandas some bambooes.I was so excited and nervous.I afraid of tigers.Because they can eat persons ,and I think they are fightening.The giraffe's neck is more longer than mice.

  So I am more shorter than it.It was so fun.I had a great time in zoo.

动物的英语作文300字 篇6

  tigers runs very fast.they good at huting animals and often live alone. hunter are hunting them,people cut down the trees, it has lots of pollution. they even have no enough food to eat, so they are in great danger.

  we should protect them. first, we plant more trees and stop hunter hunting animals. then, we must offer enough foods to tigers.

  i think if we can try our best to protect them. the world will be fair.

动物的英语作文300字 篇7

  Recently, three owls appeared suddenly on our campus. They made me think of my pet from childhood. When I was little, we had an owl at home. It was small, gray, and had two big eyes. We liked it very much. Every time I went home, it greeted me by making “goo-goo” sounds.

  We always played with it and talked to it. It would blink its eyes just like it understood what we were saying. It was like my best friend. But when the weather became colder, we forgot to keep it warm, and it died. It made us sad for a long time, and it also taught me how important it is to take care of animals.

动物的英语作文300字 篇8

  As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit.

  which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of .

动物的英语作文300字 篇9

  It was a fine day today and the sun was bright.I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, He Song.The animals were so interesting that all the people loved them.When a bear asked for some food by waving its ann, a visitor threw something to it.At once I went up to him and said without thinking,'Don't do that.It's bad for it.If you really love them, take good care of them。' His face turned red and answered he wouldn't do that again。











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