
2021-04-30 英语作文



  Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us. Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking. When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions. First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking. Personal determination is the most important factor. When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love. And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke.

  Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around. They can’t find any cigarette when they want to smoke. And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually.

  Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead. Hope every smoker succeed in the end.


  At present, many teenagers smoke. I dont think its a good phenomenon. It must be stopped, for smoking is harmful in many ways.

  First, smoking is bad for our health. As we start smoking, its so difficult to give up, because the tobacco contains a drug called nicotine, which can get us into the habit of smoking. When we go without nicotine, our bodies will feel sick.

  Second, smoking is so dangerous. When we smoke in bed, we may kill ourselves as well as burn down our houses, for burning cigarette ends may cause a big fire. And if we threw the cigarette ends anywhere, it would also cause a fire disaster.

  Furthermore, once we smoke in public, we may make other people feel uncomfortable as well.

  Accordingly, for the sake of your and others’ health, please dont smoke.


  It’s well known that smoking is bad for our health. It does much harm to our lung. Smoking too much is very easy to get cancer, which is very terrible.

  Besides, smoking also do harm to people’s teeth. Those people always smoke will demage their teeth and their teeth are always yellow. That makes others feel sick. The last but not least, the people smoke the passive smoking are tend to get sick. They have do nothing wrong,but stand beside those smoking people. It’s unfair.

  So, in order to the health of everyone, please stop smoking.


  Smoking is a widespread habit even among school children. The number of young smokers is increasing.

  It is reported that over two-fifths of the students in a certain school smoke, and some of them even steal money to buy cigarettes, This is terrible.

  As we all know, smoking is harmful to our health. But its even more harmful to middle school students for it does great harm not only to their health but also to their mind.

  Middle school students are future builders of the country. They should spend their time learning what is useful. So its really time that these young smokers made up their minds to give up smoking.


  Smoke, is a kind of hurt yourself. If you are a smoker, would notice oneself often coughs, found himself teeth become more and more black, think of his health, it was not big as before? If you just started smoking, please take a look at a lot after smoking what are your body will harm the message. All in all, smoking is bad, for the sake of his health, smoking is a good choice.

  Quit the way has a lot of, just depends on your personal preferences. Some people like to make friends and relatives to supervise myself, so many aspects of supervision is to let oneself can have more effective to eliminate the idea of smoking, the more under the supervision of, oneself also can be in psychological hint at his ideas, such as not smoking, so day after day, interest in the smoke will be reduced. Some people also like from the aspects of quantity, reduce the number of smoking one by one every day, although is to reduce the quantity, but this gradually less may be a long time. But also some people like to use a substitute to instead of smoke, buy some snacks, at the time of smoke made, eat snacks, this should be a better way.

  To give up smoking, not from lip service can, need is a strong willpower and perseverance, say to yourself to the effort. We all know that smoking is a long process, but have faith in yourself and perseverance will succeed.

  Smoking only endanger the health of themselves and others, without any benefits. To give up smoking, also want to his persistence and perseverance. But to believe in yourself will give up smoking!


  Today smoking is a widespread habit all over all the world. Not only the old, the youth of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.

  However, smoking is harmful to ones health. It contributes a lot to lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore,

  many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke in public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on.

  Give up smoking! If you dont smoke, dont start. Give up smoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.


  As we all know, there are many people smoking, although everyone knows smoking is harmful to us. Giving up smoking is not easy but addicted to it is quite easy, that’s why there are more and more people smoking. Smoking and passive smoking is risk factor that leads to various diseases. It has bee world’s top 8 causes of death.

  More than 90% of lung cancer caused by smoking and lung cancer rates of smokers are 18 times over the non-smokers. Besides, smoking also causes angiocardiopathy, digestive system disease, oral disease and so on.

  In addition, passive smoking causes great concern in recent years. People have known that passive smoking also do great harm to human, too. Therefore, many countries and regions prohibit people from smoking in public zones, in order to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke. From my point of view, the best way to keep healthy is giving up smoke, for smoker’s own good as well as for others.


  Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of disforts for their fellows. Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of

  those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves.

  A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking. Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms.

  Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day. I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.


  If you smoke and you still dont believe that theres a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This neednt make you too unfortable because you are in good pany. Whenever the subject of smoking and health is raised, the governments of most countries hear no evil, see no evil and smell no evil.

  You dont have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findings have been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money. Tobacco is a wonderful modity to tax. Its almost like a tax on our daily bread.

  This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.

  For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct antismoking advertising campaigns of their own. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit. A horrific warning--say, a picture of a deaths head--should be included in every packet of cigarettes that is sold. As individuals we are certainly weak, but if governments acted honestly and courageously, they could protect us from ourselves.


  Please give up smoking now! It does great harm to you. Smoking gains the possibility of getting lung cancer and other diseases related. Youll also get addicted to that mentally.

  Besides, smoking is more than your personal problem.It has great negative influence on your family members health. Your kids may also smoke in the future because of your influence.

  So please give up smoking for your and your families health, for the kids and for the future.


  One day, a student named Tom in Grade One was smoking in the front of the classroom. At that time the headmaster Mr Green saw the student smoking and asked him which grade he was in. He told the headmaster he was in Grade One and that he couldn’t read yet. “ Do you see the slogan ” NO SMOKING “ on the wall? ” the headmaster asked. Students in the school are not allowed to smoke and it’s a bad habit for students to smoke. We know smoking does harm to students’ health. They must get rid of the bad habit as soon as possible.


  Every year hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from diseases caused by smoking.

  One in two lifetime smokers will die from their habit. Half of these deaths will occur in middle age.

  Tobacco smoke also contributes to a number of cancers.

  The mixture of nicotine and carbon monoxide in each cigarette you smoke temporarily increases your heart rate and blood pressure, straining your heart and blood vessels.

  This can cause heart attacks and stroke. It slows your blood flow, cutting off oxygen to your feet and hands. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated.

  Tar coats your lungs like soot in a chimney and causes cancer. A 20-a-day smoker breathes in up to a full cup (210 g) of tar in a year.

  Changing to low-tar cigarettes does not help because smokers usually take deeper puffs and hold the smoke in for longer, dragging the tar deeper into their lungs.

  Carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and body tissue of oxygen, making your whole body and especially your heart work harder. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs.

  Smoking causes disease and is a slow way to die. The strain put on your body by smoking often causes years of suffering. Emphysema is an illness that slowly rots your lungs. People with emphysema often get bronchitis again and again, and suffer lung and heart failure.

  Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Men who smoke are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers.

  Heart disease and strokes are also more common among smokers than non-smokers.

  Smoking causes fat deposits to narrow and block blood vessels which leads to heart attack.

  Smoking causes around one in five deaths from heart disease.

  In younger people, three out of four deaths from heart disease are due to smoking.

  Please quit smoking for the sake of your health!


  How To Give Up Smoke

  Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us. Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking. When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions. First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking. Personal determination is the most important factor. When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love. And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke. Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around.

  They can’t find any cigarette when they want to smoke. And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually. Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead. Hope every smoker succeed in the end.


  Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us. Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking. When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions.

  First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking. Personal determination is the most important factor. When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love. And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke. Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around. They can’t find any cigarette when they want to smoke. And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually. Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead. Hope every smoker succeed in the end.


  Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us. Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking. When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions. First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking. Personal determination is the most important factor. When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love. And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke. Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around. They can’t find any cigarette when they want to smoke.

  And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually. Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead. Hope every smoker succeed in the end.


  As we all know, there are many people smoking, although everyone knows smoking is harmful to us. Giving up smoking is not easy but addicted to it is quite easy, that’s why there are more and more people smoking. Smoking and passive smoking is risk factor that leads to various diseases. It has bee world’s top 8 causes of death. More than 90% of lung cancer caused by smoking and lung cancer rates of smokers are 18 times over the non-smokers. Besides, smoking also causes angiocardiopathy, digestive system disease, oral disease and so on. In addition, passive smoking causes great concern in recent years.

  People have known that passive smoking also do great harm to human, too. Therefore, many countries and regions prohibit people from smoking in public zones, in order to reduce the harm of secondhand smoke. From my point of view, the best way to keep healthy is giving up smoke, for smoker’s own good as well as for others.


  Nowadays, more and more people realize the harm of smoking and the damage it bring to the people around us. Considered the health of people themseves and the one they care, many smokers try their best to give up smoking. When quiting smoking, I have some suggestions. First of all, people should have strong will on giving up smoking.

  Personal determination is the most important factor. When feeling eager to smoke, people should think about the damage of smoking and the people they love. And then they can strengthen their will not to smoke. Secondly, sweep away all the cigarette around. They can’t find any cigarette when they want to smoke. And then after a while, their wants for smoke will reduce gradually. Last but not least, prepare some candies in the pocket, when people want to smoke, eat candies instead. Hope every smoker succeed in the end.


  Most smokers are males, because they need to smoke for social communication or for set themselves free from the pressure. In the packaging, we can find that every packaging has written the words that smoking is harmful to health. Though smokers know it, they ignore it. For the harmony of the family, people should quit smoking.

  To quit smoking is not easy, people know smoking does harm to their health, but they just can’t resist the temptation and then start to smoke again, so they must have strong will. They must tell themselves that smoking not only does harm to their health, but also does harm to their families. The families will have much chance to take in the second-hand cigarette, in order to keep the families healthy, smokers must have the strong will to quit smoke.

  When people find it hard not to smoke, their mouth will feel uneasy, they want to smoke again. At that time, people can find some food or fake cigarette to take place of the real cigarette, in the long time, they will have less desire to smoke.










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