2020-08-26 英语作文

  在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常看到作文的'身影吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是小编为大家收集的THE WORDS英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。

  In the Northern Street of Paris, there sat an old man with white hair and a stick. He was blind, and nobody wanted to help him. One day a noble man came to this street and saw the old man with blind eyes, he asked, “Excuse me, don’t you bother? But, I just want to ask how much did you get today this morning?” “Oh! I didn’t get anything!” cried the old man in a sad tune, and then the noble man realized that next to the old man was a cardboard paper, and on were the word, “I can’t see anything!” and also realized that the people who passed this place will just look at the paper, smiled; and went away to do their own things. Since this man was a noble man, he knew what to do to make everybody happy.

  And so he took all the money he had in him which was $12, and placed it in a bowl near him; and then he took out his pen which he had in his hand all along, and wrote the some words in front of the words that are already on; and these were the words, “The spring has come, but;” these words, and then went away. In the evening, the noble man came visiting this place again, he saw the old man sitting down as usual and asked him, “Well how much did you get this afternoon then?”

  The old man smiled, “Noble man, I don’t know what you did but the people that gave me money this afternoon were so many that even god couldn’t count them!” and then the noble looked at the bowl with money and stroked his beard while he smiled.

  “The spring has come, but I can’t see anything!” these words could be so much use, it might produce that the noble man in this story has technology, which made the poor blind man happy.

  Although this noble man which we are talking about helped the old man, but he also remembered what the other people did. People asked him many other questions, and the noble man of course answered them all. Some of the people in town that didn’t want to help the blinded old man were locked up in jail for their cruelty instead of kindness.

  The moral of this story is, when you see somebody that is in need, go and help them and you will feel better in the end.

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