
2020-11-29 关于夏天的作文

  导语:暴风雨,拼音bào fēng yǔ,是指伴有雨的狂风天气。以下是小编整理夏天的`暴风雨英语作文的资料,欢迎阅读参考。


  It's raining hard tonight. At first, there was a flash of lightning outside the window, and they broke through the gloom of the sky, like a messenger of letters, who reported the arrival of the thunderbolt. Sure enough, but a little later, the duke of thunder hit the drum, and came running with angry wind, as if to tell people that the rain god was angry and decided on the next big, violent storm. Outside, it was even darker, the lightening came on, and the thunderbolt struck harder. The sky was falling down, and it was boring and frightening.

  Outside the window, the rain and the rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, seemed to want to perform a magnificent dance, but no one had the guts to watch the thrilling performance. It is raining harder, not the drizzle of the drizzle, nor the mischievous raindrops, but the shocking, fearful tempest!

  The wind howled, and the Windows blew loud and the rain went crazy on the roof, and the umbrella seemed to have a big hole in it! I stood on the balcony, with the strong fear in my heart and the music, only to make the fear of my heart go a little further...

  Surely, it must be a sunny day, a sunny day, because the sunshine is always behind!


  The weather is very hot today. My father and I were walking on the mall, and there was no hint of a chill. The grass drooped its head, the leaves were rolling, the asphalt on the road was tanning, the car ran over, and the car creaked. Even the majestic yellow dog lost its old glory. The whole city is like a giant steamer. Suddenly southwest was overcast. It was also dark, and the wind blew hard. I was shivering with the sound of the heat. Suddenly, the sky flashed, it was lightning, and then thunder, the sky was like a big stone ball rolling. It's really loud! Dad and I just got home, the coin of the heavy rain falls down, the man in the street with the hand, 'book, held a package to run back, others hard to umbrellas, and wearing a raincoat to ride in the car heading home. I stood in the doorway to view the rain, the sky and the earth is like a big reservoir, the rain like a ladylike, falling in the small water depression, a bubble. As the water swam merrily away. About rain for an hour, stopped and the sun came out, the whole street look brand-new, building washed very clean, fresh air after the rain, the leaves and the grass is greener, ants hurried home, birds also through the good weather after the rain out to catch insects.


  Just now the sky was clear and the earth seemed to be falling asleep. The cockroach on the willow tree cried in the night. The wind comes, slightly, let a person feel cool, the wind gently spent a night pedestrians YiChangJin, mocked the dead leaves on the road. The wind was blowing, and the branches snapped. Clack!!! A light, tearing open the sky of the broken brocade, like the sky to the earth. Watch the storm coming! "Sand, sand, sand." The rain drops on the ground give a pleasant sound, which makes people feel cool and cool. The rain gradually grew, and from the roof fell to the ground, splashing beautiful little water flowers, the wild geese homing, the sky still rumbling sound of thunder, the shock of people's ears buzzing. The flash of light shone blue, the people and vehicles on the road, the traffic was very large, and the police officer stood under a large umbrella and ordered the traffic in an orderly manner. On the road, the sea of people, eager to rush home, dense, colorful umbrellas covered the earth. In the lake, the fish came out to breathe, the frogs jumped right and left, the insects did not open the concert at night, and there was no sign of a bug outside. As the rain passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. Small grass, flowers, leaves are left with crystal clear dew. What a wonderful world!


  One day, the sky was overcast and windy, which meant that a thrilling storm was coming.

  At some point, a large black cloud of black clouds pressed down. The spider dropped a line and ran away. The snack bar was closed, and there was no one on the road, and the little tree swayed with the wind. The more the black clouds gather, the lower the pressure, as if tiptoe to pull off a piece.

  At that time, the rain fell from the sky. The rain was so heavy that it seemed as if the heavens were weeping, as if thousands of wild horses were rushing and tens of thousands of people were beating their drums. The lightning seemed to be cheering for the heavy rain, splitting from the unattainable sky, but without a shadow, like a magician.

  Slowly, the rain stopped and the clouds dispersed. The sun went out and spread the warmth again. At the same time, a fairy rainbow appeared on the horizon. This beautiful rainbow is the same as the real bridge, and I would like to touch its colorful clothes.

  The air outside was fresh, and the road was spotless, as if it had taken off the coat, put on the new clothes, and showed the new image, the new look.


  Early in the morning, the sun shines on the earth, the campus laughing and laughing and singing.

  We are in the school every day, the most close to our relationship is the teacher. But there is some friction between teachers and students, but these frictions are rarely objective. I still remember one thing clearly: a man forgot to write his homework, and the teacher asked him why, and he openly called on the teacher because he was very gracious. The teacher was shocked. She was amazed that she had been teaching for twenty years. I turned my head to see the primary school code: respect the elders. I thought: is this what a student should do? Isn't it against the word "harmony"? We are classmates and have a common language. There may be anger between us, but there will also be care.

  Remember that time, some of us played games together, suddenly someone fell down. She pulled up her pants and saw that it was broken and bleeding. Several female classmates come round, say processing method, some extend hand touch, gently ask: "does it hurt?" Looking at the eyes of the students, she seems to be able to see the molten crystal heart of a person. This is a picture of how harmonious.

  Everyone has a home, a sweet home, everyone tries to maintain our homeland. The school is also our home, a warm harbor. But some people are not responsible for this family: spitting and littering. Is your home the same? Harmonious campus, first is the harmony between teachers and students, the second is the harmony between students, and the harmony between us and the environment. If you don't want to do it, don't give others more love and more responsibility, then our campus will climb up the hill.


  Never forget the storm, the storm that swept through the campus.

  That morning sunny, clear, but the day of June the child's face, the twinkling of an eye the sky becomes dark gray, like to put on a black gown on the blue sky, appear very dark. The wind rolled up the dust, a piece of heaven and earth chaos, let a person difficult to express heart palpitations, if alive, pangu believe will grab ax beginning again without hesitation, people a clear sky of lang lang also. Suddenly "thundering" a loud bang, a red snake, commanding a half of the sky, added a few grim and terrifying to the world. Who broke the rules of heaven, angered Zeus, and made it so furious? Accompanied by "rumbling", the students killed the pigs, and the rain poured down from the sky.

  We walked gingerly out of the boyi building after science class, and the wind swept through the wind and the rain came down to us. The schoolgirl had been unable to control, and the loud scream was louder, but there was no sympathy for the storm. Look, the wind is more crazy, the rain is bigger. Listen, splash... Beep beep beep... The wind, like the beast, tore at the grass on the campus, and the rain whipped the earth mercilessly. Suddenly, a tree in front of the door couldn't stand the ravages, and the branches were broken. Students are all shocked, what to do? The next class was about to begin, and the road to the thirty meters of the teaching building was out of reach at the moment. I looked at the people nervously, and I really wanted to take them to the danger zone. "Rumbling" was another thunder, and the snake was dancing again in the sky, and looking at me fiercely, I was trembling with fear, and I just came back from my feet. "Go! I do not know who is Shouting, the first rush into the wind and rain. Encouraged, we move forward like mad cows. Ah! Finally to safety - the classroom. My heart sank down. Look at schoolmates, look at oneself again, cannot help laughing, because we all became a veritable chicken soup!

  I believe that there will always be a rainbow of life after wind and rain.


  This afternoon, we were in the last class, and suddenly it was dark.

  The whole class looked out of the window, and the wind in the air was so dark that the sky was dark. "The storm is coming. Please hide under the table!" I don't know who called it. The teacher shouted, "students, don't be afraid! This is a precursor to a storm. "The teacher asked us to observe carefully how the storm came. We all stared out of the window, clouds gathering over the sky, clouds hanging over the sky. Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck the heaven and earth, and only heard the sound of the thunder. "Hua" torrential rain down, suddenly bean big rain fell down from the sky, the earth is a piece of glistening, also took the countless blisters, pot-holed place filled with water immediately. The wind is blowing, the trees on campus, the flowers, the grass is blown by the wind. It rains a little, a little. I thought to myself: rain! Please don't come down again.

  After the bell rang, the rain was still down, the wind was blowing, the umbrella couldn't stop, so I went home with my father. I really feel the storm today.


  That night, a "storm" attacked our class. The hateful "tempest" blew away the pride of our hearts and wetted our hearts. Our hearts were as cold as the teacher had pulled out of the water.

  The teachers all went to the meeting that night. It was time to watch TV, and no one cared about us, we ourselves. Just then the storm came quietly.

  At first, the students sat quietly in their seats and watched TV intently. Watching, maybe the students are tired of watching, playing in the classroom, I read quietly in peace. I don't know what happened, xiao Ming and xiao liang hit it, the classroom was the sound of ping pong, that scene, it was even worse than Monkey King. "Crackling! Crackling! Dong! Dong! Dong... "

  I was very sad, but I could not stop them, but I felt sorry for them in my heart, and sad for the whole class. I want to say to the storm, "why did you come to attack our class? Didn't you say you wouldn't come to our class to make trouble? But why are you here again today? Why did you eat your words?"

  Then I suddenly realized that there was no one in the classroom. When I was puzzled, the students crowded in again. They were all flushed and panting. I just wanted to ask them, "what are you doing? Why is that?" The teacher came in before the words were exported.

  The teacher asked us to stand on the platform and spoke to us in a very earnest way. We said, "class, you broke the discipline today. I never expected that. I thought you had become a little eagle to fly, and today I discovered that your feathers are not only not long and full, but they are all like the birds that are messing with you... After listening to the teacher, we bowed our heads in shame.

  The students returned to their seats and began to study hard. They realized they had made mistakes and were determined to correct them. I am happy for them and for our class. It has been a storm for a long time, but my heart is not completely dry.











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